25 February 2022
Good day Brandwag Primary Family
We trust you are all well and safe. Please take note of the following:
1. Homework
We have noticed an alarming high percentage of our learners that do not do their home or even class work. This is unacceptable and we urge parents to assist our teaching staff in this regard as it puts a huge amount of pressure on them to finish an already full curriculum.
2. Late coming
As per previous communication this problem persists. The tendency of learners coming late for school does not improve. We accept that there could be certain complications, but cannot tolerate this. Please ensure that you take traveling time and traffic congestion into account. Please ensure that learners’ transport is also on time. Gates will be closed and learners will have to return home. The administration and logistics regarding this is taking a tremendous
amount of time.
3. Drop-off Zone
You will see that we are in the process of paving the drop-off area. This is done from SGB funds as the municipality is not prepared to assist us. We look forward towards this huge improvement for parents. Be prepared though that certain disruptions regarding traffic flow will be inevitable due to the construction and parents must please be patient and considerate in this regard.
4. Vandalism of school property
We are saddened by the fact that learners still do not respect the facilities that we provide for their use. Learners are vandalizing ablution facilities (breaking doors and toilets / spray painting on walls), gardens (breaking branches and running through flowers) and littering without respect of what is there to beautify our school and have a neat environment for them.
5. Leaving the school after entering
We have noticed a new tendency whereas learners leave the school grounds after scanning in. Some learners also buy energy drinks at the illegal tuck shops around the corner of the school.
6. Evening league
Our Senior rugby and netball teams are currently taking part in the annual evening league at Willem Postma Primary School. We wish them all the best.
Brandwag Greetings
A. Venter