
Nuusbrief 1 – 2022

By Maart 8, 2022No Comments

17 February 2022

Good day Brandwag Primary Family

We trust you are all well and safe. Please take note of the following:

1. Masks
We find that learners regularly arrive at school without a mask. Please keep a spare mask in their school bag.
2. School Operational Plan
A summary with relevant points in this regard was forwarded to you. Please take note and adhere to these new measures.
3. Late coming
There is an alarming tendency of learners coming late for school. We accept that there could be certain complications, but cannot tolerate this. Please ensure that you take traveling time and traffic congestion into account. Please ensure that learner’s transport is also on time.
4. Drop-off of learners
It is extremely alarming that certain parents and taxis drop learners on the isle in the middle of the road. Cars are driving on this road and there is no secure way for learners to cross the road. This habit must stop with immediate effect. Let us also set an example how to treat and react to traffic rules and other road users.
5. Communication with teachers
Please refrain from communicating with staff after hours. They also have a personal life and families to attend to. Convenient communication times will be forwarded by individual teachers or call the office for assistance.
6. Karri-App
Parents who are still struggling to use this, are requested to contact Mrs Smith in the office for help.

Brandwag Greetings
A. Venter

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