
Corona Newsletter 1

By Maart 9, 2021Maart 23rd, 2021No Comments

Good day Brandwag Primary Community

1. Compliments of the season:
I wish you all a prosperous 2021. I believe we have learned new ways and will overcome 2021. May God bless you in the New Year.

2. Safety Protocol
Local professionals have warned us that a second wave of Covid 19 is currently on its way to the Free State. Please be stay safe and follow safety protocols. We cannot take this lightly in any way. Adhere to all safety protocols and avoid gatherings. Keep our learners and yourselves safe please.

3. SGB Elections
Elections are scheduled for 1 March 2021. More details will follow regarding the process. We will inform you regarding the nomination and election process. Parents who can positively contribute to the growth and governance of our school are urged to make themselves available for election.

4. School fees
Parents are reminded that if you pay your fees upfront for 2021, you are eligible for generous discount as per financial newsletter.

Brandwag Greetings
A. Venter

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