
Corona Newsletter 4

By April 6, 2021No Comments

Corona Newsletter 04/2021
26 March 2021

Good day Brandwag Primary Family

Please take note of the following information:

1. Gr 1 Drop-off Zone
We have paved the sidewalk in Klerck Avenue. This area is right in front of the grade 1 classes. All grade 1s must be dropped off in the marked parking area from Monday, 28 March 2021. There are three gates where learners can enter the school. The gate closest to the tuck will be for the entrance of siblings of grade 1 learners in higher grades only.
Please approach from Du Randt Street as the parkings are slanted. Please adhere to parking indication and traffic rules. We believe this will relieve the traffic in Melville Avenue.
2. Easter weekend
The school will close at 12:00 on Thursday, 1 April 2021 for the easter weekend. There will also be no aftercare due to the long weekend.
3. Covid safety measures
Parents and learners are urged not to relax on Covid safety measures. We had to close two grades last week because of positive cases coming to school.
4. After care
We still experience a very small number of learners attending our grade 5-7 classes currently. Should the numbers not improve, these classes will need to be combined to make it feasible.

Brandwag Greetings

A. Venter


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