
Corona Newsletter 11

By July 29, 2021No Comments

Corona Newsletter 11/2021
22 June 2021

Good day Brandwag Primary Family


1. Vaccination of staff
On short notice we have received an indication that all staff at the school should vaccinated on tomorrow, 23 June 2021. For this reason the school will be closed tomorrow.
2. Assessment Group 2
FAL assessment of group 2 is moved to Tuesday, 6 July 2021.
3. Report cards
Report cards will only be available next term due this interruption.
4. Academics
We want assure parents that all academics are up to date due to the hard work of teachers and most learners.
5. Assessment
All assessments will take place as scheduled except for tomorrow.
Your understanding in this regard is appreciated.
Brandwag Greetings

A. Venter

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