After care is provided to assist our parents and learners. After care will commence from 1 March 2021. As this is an additional service provided by the school the cost will be R 319, 00 per month from March to November. If your child is attending bi-weekly the fees will be R160,00 per month.
Information you need to take notice of:
- Monday to Thursday: Learners will be in classrooms from 14:00 – 16:00. There after they will sit under supervision of their invigilator outside to wait for their parents. (Gate 3)
- Hours: 14:00 – 17:00
- If you come early, please report to the security guard on duty. He will collect your child from his/her class. No parent will be allowed to go to the classes. (COVID-19 prevention)
- A contract needs to be completed for each learner (available at the office/or via email/download under forms)
With COVID-19-regulations still in place we can’t accommodate more than 20 learners per class. It will be on a first come first serve basis. The rest of the learners will be on a waiting list.
Academic Support
At Brandwag Primary school we have two remedial teachers who offer support for learners who require additional support for learning.
Additional support needs can arise from any factor that causes a barrier to learning, whether that factor relates to social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, disability or family and care circumstances. The effect they have varies from child to child. In all cases it is how these factors impact on the individual child’s learning and the impact determines the level of support provision required.
We aim to assist every learner and help them to reach their full potential.
Media Centre
Brandwag Primary School has a professionally equipped Media Centre.
This facility allows learners to obtain knowledge on how computers work as this is an absolute necessity in the times we live in.
We are privileged to have such a highly functional media Centre.