Good day Brandwag Primary Family
Please take note of the following information:
1. Academics
We are currently busy with our first term assessments (Grade 4-7). Results available show an extreme poor learner performance. We experience that many learners don’t do their work during the week that they are at home. They regard it as an ‘off’ week. This puts the teachers under pressure for they had to catch-up the following week, causing to fall behind departmental pace setters. Learners also stay away from school frequently during tests/assessments. We request parents to assist us to make sure learners are up to date when they return to school. As academics is our main priority, we take the results seriously. We are starting with intense extra classes in English, Afrikaans and Mathematics as from the second term. If you receive a letter for your child in these before mentioned subjects, it is compulsory to attend. Learners who don’t perform well academically will not be allowed to participate in sport but rather attend the extra classes. This is a joint effort between the teachers and parents, and we will have to take hands to ensure that our learners stay academically on track.
2. Extramural practices
Due to new Covid directives we are able to start with our extramural again. Activities and practice times are as follow:
Development group; u/7; u/8; u/9 13:15-13:45 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
u/10; u/11; u/12; u/13 14:00-14:45 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
u/7 13:00-13:45 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
u/9 13:45-14:30 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
u/11 and u/13 14:30-15:30 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Junior Group 13:15-13:45 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Senior Group 13:45-14:15 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday
3. Parking Areas
We ask that parents will be more considered towards each other and other motorists with the drop off and pick up of learners. The traffic is really hectic and we cannot have parents violating traffic rules.
Brandwag Greetings
A. Venter